My Side Hustle Ideas – Side Hustle Update Week 2 of 4


First and foremost, I’d like to share this week’s side hustle income. A grand total of… £0.00. Yes I know, not the best start to our side hustle month and it certainly doesn’t stack up against last week’s £196.36, this week was a busy (lazy) week with some larger work projects along with birthday pleasantries.

A lesson in time management needs to be had here. Somewhat disheartened yet determined, here are some ideas I am plotting for next week’s hustles…

Fiverr is not just a great platform to make some quick cash, I recently listened to a podcast detailing how one guy made enough money on fiver to buy his own house! This gave me some great tips on how to build a solid stream of income from a Fiverr side hustle and I’m super excited to give it a go myself this week!

Working in the digital marketing industry has equipped me with a useful skillset that I feel could be quite a valuable gig. I’m looking to release two digital marketing gigs and one copywriting gig. I’ll let you know how it goes!

Have you tried making money on Fiverr? Any tips for a new seller taking the plunge?

Amazon – Selling Books

I have secured a potential £48.00 through Amazon sales this week but I am having issues with the account so cannot receive payment yet! Once this is up and running I’m looking to list the university books that Fi and I haven’t managed to sell yet. Amazon take a hefty margin of your sale, but you gain a permanent listing and it’s an easy to shift your old possessions. We have a total of thirteen books to sell (an approximate £240s worth of books) and I am selling one of these to a student this week.

Other Avenues…

This week I will be spending one night coaching which should give the side hustle income a little boost! We are also looking into the realms of opening an Etsy shop as an additional stream of revenue. Any tips on this would be great!

The goal for this coming week is to make an extra £100 in side hustles, list our books on Amazon and set up some gigs on Fiverr. Wish us luck!


  1. Hi Joe, I’ve just been reading your posts on side hustle income with interest – this is an area I’m interested in and I will keep updated with your progress! I’m not sure I have enough books to make much on Amazon but I’ll check out the podcast on Fiverr for inspiration!

    • Thanks Hayley! Looking forward to hearing about your progress, there’s a whole jungle of side hustle ideas out there, my trouble is choosing the right one! Enjoy the podcast!

    • Thanks Simon! It seems as though the trick is to find a service that we can produce in a low amount of time to a high standard. According to the podcast, the cash is in the upsell rather than mutiple up sells!
      I’ll keep you updated, looking forward to hearing about your experience when you venture out there!


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