What Are You Worth? A Guide to Understanding Your Salary

Salary Worth

You may find it difficult to find out whether you’re being paid fairly in your industry without having connections in other businesses. Fortunately, there are ways to understand your salary worth and if it is in-line with other positions of similar responsibility and location. There are many factors that need to be considered.

The following infographic from Pertemps gives advice on how to check whether you’re right in your thinking. With so many different job titles these days, and careers being something that are the focus for many, it can be tricky to pinpoint it down to the exact job title, so be open minded. This infographic takes into consideration whether you’re working in a big city and therefore living costs are higher. Or if your smaller town position is in line with what housing and everyday costs amount to.

Finally, the infographic comes with a salary counter to do some of the hard work for you. Simply input your area and job title (be flexible) and see what the salary range is, this will give you an indication of whether you’re current salary is inside or outside of this. Be sure to dig deep into your research before scheduling a conversation with your manager if you do decide that your salary isn’t in-line.

Understanding Salary

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I have a burning passion for generating big results - FAST. Fascinated with personal finance, entrepreneurship and high performance in the workplace.



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