Here’s Why You May Not Be Approved For Your Mortgage


The past 18 months have been a crazy surge of scrimping, side hustling, power saving and late nights in order to get a deposit together to put down for me and Miss Breakaways’s first house.

We’re finally at a stage where we can see the finish line and need to consider getting our documents ready for our mortgage application. We’ve built up our credit rating over the past year and a half by getting credit cards and paying these off in full and got ourselves on the electoral register too.

We want to give ourselves the best chance of getting approved and want to get the best deal possible. However, it’s clear that there are some parts of the mortgage screening process that are a little more difficult to swing in our favour.

Since the FCA made some changes to the Mortgage Market Review it has become more difficult for some families and individuals to meet the affordability criteria. The following groups have been affected the most:

  • Individuals earning £25k or below
  • Self-employed individuals
  • Those that have not built up positive credit history through credit cards/loans

The following infographic from Ipswich Building Society breaks this down further.


I’ll be following this post with an update of our mortgage application.

Have you had any trouble in the past getting approved for a mortgage? Tell me more in the comments!


  1. I actually had a lot of hassle getting a mortgage in the end due to the mortgage market review!

    I wrote about it here:

    Of particular relevance are tips 4 and 5 about credit card balances and big one of expenditures that look bad.

    (I hope you tried to go through a money back mortgage broker by the way!?)

    That infographic worries me slightly as I’ll (hopefully) be self-employed by the time our 2 year fix is up so it sounds like we may have issues with remortgaging. Hopefully I’ll have been making a solid monthly income long enough by then, and they’ll see we are frugal enough, so that this is not an issue!

    • Great tips in your article, heard about the unethical quotes swung by some of the larger comparison companies before.

      Still due to apply for our mortgage but will certainly consider the money back broker, looks as though we’ll get a little over £100 cashback this way.

      I’m sure you’ll have a solid income by then too!


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