Budget Breakaway’s Liebster Award



I’m proud to announce that Budget Breakaway has been nominated for a Liebster Award courtesy of Weenie from Quietly Saving – thanks Weenie! It’s great to be part of the super proactive personal finance community so I’m more than happy to keep the momentum going by answering Weenie’s questions.

What’s the Liebster Award?

The Liebster award is an online award given to bloggers by bloggers in recognition of their content. It’s a great way to find and share new blogs and it means so much that there are readers out there that enjoy the content here at Budget Breakaway.

To accept the award, each blogger can choose to answer some questions posed to them and also nominate some more bloggers for the award to keep the ball rolling.

My Nominees for the Liebster Award

To list a few of my recent favourites, I’d like to nominate…

1. Bex @ Keene on Saving

2. M @ There’s Value

3. Pauline @ Make Money Your Way

4. Laura @ No More Spending

5. John @ First Step Finance

5 Questions from Weenie @ Quietly Saving

1. What’s your favourite holiday destination?

I spent a few months living and working out in Miami in the summer of 2012, it’s a beautiful place with so much to do! Unfortunately Miami is quite far from home and is also quite a pricey place to stay but I’d love to go back there for another holiday sometime soon!

2. What piece of financial advice would you give to your 18 year old self?

Start building assets and saving money each month! I’m very lucky to have started getting a grip of my finances at the age of 22 as some don’t for another 10 years! However, if I had started building, assets, side-hustles, businesses and savings four years ago then I would be so much farther ahead than I am now!

3. What was your favourite book when you were a child?

A tricky question! However, I think one of my favourites was The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. I was always one for adventure!

4. What’s your favourite quote?

“The only history worth knowing is the history we make today” – Henry Ford.

5. Which song is currently on your top play list of your iPod/generic MP3 player/radio?

Lana Del Ray – Young & Beautiful. This one is a little embarrassing but I’ll indulge. We recently watched The Great Gadsby which I absolutely loved! Young & Beautiful features in one of the scenes. I won’t give too much away but it’s a gripping Di Caprio film about a man that had great success and the story behind the motivations that helped him get there.

Five Questions for My Nominees

1. If I gave you £100 but told you that you had to invest it somewhere new, what would you do with it?
2. What is your next financial goal and what will help you to achieve it?
3. Who would you say you look up to as a financial role model?
4. What is your most productive time of the day?
5. If you could go back and undo one of your financial mistakes, what would it be?

I look forward to seeing the answers from my nominated bloggers if they accept the award!

If you haven’t been nominated but want to answer the questions, you’re more than welcome to do so in the comments below…

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I have a burning passion for generating big results - FAST. Fascinated with personal finance, entrepreneurship and high performance in the workplace.


  1. Congratulations on your inspiring and challenging blog!!

    We would all do well answering those 5 questions as a review of where we are and where we are heading!

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